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Edit-TORI-al: Comfy Shoes, How Bout’ Yes?

Edit-TORI-al:  Comfy Shoes, How Bout’ Yes?

You are shopping for your homecoming dress and you see the perfect shoes. They’re the right size, style and they match your outfit. You try them on and they really really hurt. Don’t buy them! Those gorgeous shoes of evil will ruin your entire night. Last year when I went to Homecoming I saw so […]

Editorial: Programming the Future

Editorial:  Programming the Future

I don’t believe that there should be driverless cars in the future. As much as I distrust the judgement of all humans in cars, I distrust technology that flawed humans have created even more. Similar to doing a multi-step math equation, once you round a number and use the imperfect answer as a staple in […]

Should College Football Playoffs Remain at Four Teams?

Should College Football Playoffs Remain at Four Teams?

CFP should remain at 4 teams As we approach the postseason of College Football, many people think it’s necessary to evaluate the current system that is used to determine a College Football champion. Some can argue that it already needs to be changed, while others think that it should be kept the way it is. […]

Ben Phillips Weighs in on Santa

Ben Phillips Weighs in on Santa

So I have to talk about Santa Claus at this time of year? Well let’s just start off by saying that coming from someone who’s never talked about anything serious this might be a little difficult to give an honest report on the North Pole, Santa, and more importantly what Christmas truly is. You know […]

Ten Ways to Prepare for Christmas

Ten Ways to Prepare for Christmas

10: Break your back getting all those decorations out. Best to have a chiropractor on speed dial 9: Get used to being poked by pine needles from the Christmas tree 8: Snow…. Everywhere 7: Car crashes are inevitable when the roads are this icy, so it’s a good time to have insurance 6: Get medical […]

Oxford Ice Cream Review

Oxford Ice Cream Review

Ice Cream is the best and is one of the most well known and loved treats that Americans enjoy in the summer or anytime!  All around the world, there are people who love ice cream just like us and there are millions of flavors and varieties to choose from. Whenever you think about ice cream […]

The Dead Mall Effect

The Dead Mall Effect

Whenever you hear the words “Dead Mall” you might not know exactly what is being talked about. Some people, however, take huge interest in the American phenomenon of dead malls. I became interested in this topic a couple of years ago when I visited one of the largest dead malls in the world:  Forest Fair Mall […]

Wall Senior and Only Reporter Ben Phillips Face Palms Watching Election Coverage

Wall Senior and Only Reporter Ben Phillips Face Palms Watching Election Coverage

What’s with this Election? This is one of the few times Ben from The Wall will be honest with everyone. How is Trump actually winning this election. I ask myself that question as I look down at the polls and realize that Trump actually leads in Ohio. The stock market is already taking a nosedive […]

Political Satire

Political Satire

Vine is Gone? Who Cares!

Vine is Gone?  Who Cares!

As much as I’d like to simply call Vine a fad and move on, it seems like some people still don’t know about the drama over the recently announced decision by Twitter to shut down Vine. As much as I mistake Vive and Vine I’ve decided that this is interesting because Vine was just some […]