Epaulettes: The Walking Sharks

Photo credit: Diveplanit Luca Berberich’s long-standing interest in the natural world is being brought to the Talawanda Tribune in their series: Luca B. the Science G. Today they’re here to talk about the mysterious shark that walks on land… the Epaulette Shark! Epaulette Sharks, or Hemiscyllium ocellatum, are an enigmatic species of shark that are […]
Snailfish: Cuties of the Deep

Snailfish: Cuties of the Deep Photo credit: DIVE Magazine Luca Berberich’s long-standing interest in the natural world is being brought to the Talawanda Tribune in their series: Luca B. the Science G. Their newest article is about the semi-recently discovered indestructible deep sea fish… National Geographic described it best: “It’s cute, almost pink, and about […]
Nudibranchs: The Stinger Stealing Sea Slugs

Nudibranchs: The Stinger Stealing Sea Slugs Photo Credit: National Geographic Luca Berberich’s long-standing interest in the natural world is being brought to the Talawanda Tribune in their series: Luca B. the Science G. Their fifth article focuses on the infamous robbers of the ocean… In the depths of the ocean, you’ll find many species of […]
The Ocean’s Living Fossil: How the Coelacanth Successfully Cheated Death

The Ocean’s Living Fossil: How the Coelacanth Successfully Cheated Death By LUCA BERBERICH Luca Berberich’s long-standing interest in the natural world is being brought to the Talawanda Tribune in their series: Luca B. the Science G. Their fourth article is about the prehistoric fish that seemingly came back from extinction… Photo Credit: Smithsonian Ocean The […]
The Giant Siphonophore Claims “Longest Animal” Title

The Giant Siphonophore Claims “Longest Animal” Title By LUCA BERBERICH Luca Berberich’s long standing interest in the natural world is being brought to the Talawanda Tribune in their series: Luca B. the Science G. Their third article focuses on the recently discovered Giant Siphonophore… Photo Credit: Smithsonian Magazine The Giant Siphonophore (sai-fah-nuh-for) is an enigma. […]
Florida Man Releases Snail Plague

Florida Man Releases Snail Plague By LUCA BERBERICH Giant African Land Snail / Photo taken by Sonel.SA Luca Berberich’s long standing interest in the natural world is being brought to the Talawanda Tribune in their series: Luca B. the Science G. Their second piece in this thrilling series is about the most dangerous mollusc known […]
The Blue-Ringed Octopus: Tiny but Deadly

The Blue-Ringed Octopus: Tiny but Deadly By LUCA BERBERICH (src: https://www.animalspot.net/blue-ringed-octopus.html) Luca Berberich’s long standing interest in the natural world is being brought to the Talawanda Tribune in their series: Luca B. the Science G. Their first piece starts rather small. About 6 centimeters, actually… Blue-Ringed Octopuses are a genus (a lower classification level that […]