Filling the Seat: Talawanda Board of Education Chooses Matt Wyatt to Fill Vacant Seat

On Monday, September 30th, Talwanda School District held a Board of Education meeting. Shortly after the meeting was called to order, it quickly segwayed into a private, unfilmed executive session. This meeting was out of the ordinary; its primary goal was serving to determine who will fill the now temporarily vacant school board position […]
Talawanda 2024 Homecoming Parade

Sept. 19, 2024 Talawanda 2024 Homecoming Parade Article and Photos by Lauren Dysert, Talawanda Tribune Co-Editor Oxford, OH–Talawanda High School and the City of Oxford hosted this year’s Homecoming Parade, commemorating the beginning of the year for our school and community’s many teams, clubs, and organizations, most notably the THS Football team and THS Marching […]
Talent Show Review

Talent Show Review Morgan Sly What’s the best way to get students to attend an event? Let them get out of class. That was the strategy taken by the organizers of the FCCLA Talent Show. Hordes of students showed up to watch their peers perform in the Talawanda Performing Arts Center. The lineup consisted of […]
From Heroes to Zero: What Happened to the Talawanda Hockey Team

From Heroes to Zero: What Happened to the Talawanda Hockey Team By Julie Page Oxford, OH— The hockey team has been a constant for the winter sports at Talawanda, but the 2022-2023 season has come to a close without the team. Despite the great success that has come from the previous seasons, including a top-ten […]
Au Revoir Français: Talawanda to Eliminate French Program in 2026

Au Revoir Français: Talawanda to Eliminate French Program in 2026 By Eliza Sullivan As a third year French student, I am lamenting the loss of French class at Talawanda High School. This class has taught me so much about other cultures and helped me think critically about my own. Learning a new language with a […]
Busing Shrinks, but Schools Remain Unshuffled

Busing Shrinks, but Schools Remain Unshuffled By L. Franks Oxford, Ohio—The Feb. 23 board meeting had been going for nearly two hours when board President Pat Meade finally commenced the meeting’s public participation section. Quickly, audience members formed a line at the microphone that stretched to the side doorway. A high-stakes proposal by the Board […]
‘Basically Armageddon’: Talawanda Schools faces budget cuts after levy fails

‘Basically Armageddon’ Talawanda Schools faces budget cuts after levy fails By L. Franks “Okay, we’re going to do something a bit different,” said Superintendent Ed Theroux to an audience gathered in Talawanda High School’s performing arts center. The December 15 school board meeting had begun with a presentation by TMS students on student involvement at […]
THS Bus Garage Set for Completion in June

THS Bus Garage Set for Completion in June By Lily Franks There’s an eye-catching new development at the foot of the Talawanda High School grounds. Upon returning to school in August, students most likely took notice to the large, fenced off piece of land that can be seen out the left window on their morning […]
New Tech at Talawanda

New Tech at Talawanda By Eliza Sullivan It’s been called “Big Brother,” “Orwellian,” and “a surveillance state.” What is it? It’s the new app being used at THS: eHallpass. EHallpass is an app developed by Eduspire Solutions, who promise it will help limit “mischief, meetups, vaping, vandalism, and much more.” Students use their phone or […]