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Nerf Warz 2013

Nerf Warz 2013

What event comes around once a year, allows students to form teams and create a full-fledged war against each other? Nerf Warz. Nerf Warz (as it is spelled on its Facebook page) is an annual event that Talawanda students have put on for many years. It began on January 1st this year, and it will […]

Talawanda Teachers Provide Musical Interlude Between Exams

Talawanda Teachers Provide Musical Interlude Between Exams

During the final week before Winter break, students gathered in the rotunda between exams to listen to some of their teachers sing and play guitar to some classic songs. “We thought it would be a good way to get students’ minds off of exams for a bit and just have fun,” said science teacher Ben […]

Working Against Discrimination

Working Against Discrimination

The Gay-Straight Alliance, a new group at Talawanda High School, is working toward a better understanding of diversity at school and in the Oxford community. Juniors Austin Clark and Audrey Macneil founded the club, saying that it began with very little interests for themselves. “We started for signatures last semester, and it basically went from […]

Talawanda Tribune Goes Digital

Talawanda Tribune Goes Digital

  The Talawanda Tribune, Talawanda’s cherished news source, has embraced change and integrated technology. On April 5th, 2012, the domain name www.talawandatribune.org went live, ushering in a brighter outlook for the future of the newspaper. “In light of print media transforming into digital media, it seems relevant that the Tribune made an online news source for […]



Raps, beat boxing and rhythms. No, this is not a Kayne West video. This is Talawanda High School’s a cappella choir, Fermata Nowhere. This 3-year-old choir is nothing but original. Mr. Pearson’s idea for this kind of choir came from experience as a director, and from wanting the very best for his very capable students. […]

Brick Replacement Rumor Debunked

Brick Replacement Rumor Debunked

Every year the members of the Oxford Street Department remove and replace each brick covering High Street.  According to an Oxford Press photo gallery caption, a rumor was posted stating that this year the bricks will be removed permanently and replaced with asphalt. “The road is falling apart and the concrete underneath is completely deteriorated,” […]



On April 16th, some Talawanda sophomores will be attending PRIDE Day with lunch hosted by Chipolte. Seniors who have attended PRIDE Day  before are allowed to be “family members. “I definitely liked PRIDE Day, and I’m still really close to my ‘family,’ it was a really good experience.” senior Melanie Hodges stated “It was a […]

May the Odds be in Your Favor, Freshmen

May the Odds be in Your Favor, Freshmen

On Friday, March 23rd, THS freshmen walked uptown to the Princess Theater to see the new film The Hunger Games.   The movie came as an incentive for taking the practice OGT’s. Freshmen students came into school at the normal time of 7:45 along with the sophomores. Practice OGT’s counted as no grade for them. […]

THS Drama Prepares to Perform “Said and Meant”

THS Drama Prepares to Perform “Said and Meant”

THS’s spring Drama production has caused a lot of buzz due to the content in the risky choice for the Spring play. “Said and Meant is about the inherent difficulty in communicating person to person. People use assumptions, implications, and their actions, and this play explores what happens when these devices are improperly used or thrown […]

Spring Break 2012

Spring Break 2012

Most Talawanda students are dragging around one more week to make it to the glorious event known as spring break. Those who get to leave the state of Ohio for vacation and go to new places are lucky. For the kids who have to stay here in Oxford, here are a couple things to do. […]