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The Lemon: Tribune Makes Prom 2021 Predictions

The Lemon:  Tribune Makes Prom 2021 Predictions

The Lemon:  Tribune Makes Prom 2021 Predictions By STAFF Talawanda administration hasn’t yet released the plan for Prom 2021, but we here at The Tribune have some ideas on what it’s going to look like: Mr. Schmid will be riding around on a Segway with a squirt gun full of hand sanitizer. This year’s prom […]

The Lemon

The Lemon

The holidays are coming up soon, and for many people that means seeing family and friends that you normally don’t. With the ongoing pandemic this can be difficult to do safely, so here are 10 tips and tricks to safely enjoy the holidays: Don’t have friends: One way to cut the spread of Covid-19 is […]

Top 10 Weirdest Things Students Have Been Caught Doing on Zoom

Top 10 Weirdest Things Students Have Been Caught Doing on Zoom

Their teachers’ taxes, that’s right Elizabeth Cantrel was caught doing the taxes of Ms. Klovekorn during her 6th period zoom meeting. Robert Schonlau was seen selling their cousin to the Swiss mafia in exchange for a half-eaten chocolate bar while he was supposed to be doing Ms. Klovekorn’s taxes. When asked why she was zooming […]

The Tea on Santa C.

The Tea on Santa C.

We at the Tribune conducted an extensive investigative project at the North Pole that required our reporters to be embedded (not in the snow, but in Santa’s toy shop).  In order to protect the identities of our investigative staff, we have assigned aliases. What follows is the real deal tea on Santa C.: Does Santa […]

The Lemon Endorses Candidates for Student Government

The Lemon Endorses Candidates for Student Government

Talawanda Tribune Presents:  The Lemon:  sour satire and fun farce The following is a satire.  If you don’t know what satire is — ask your English teacher.  If they don’t know what satire is — we’re in trouble. Voting for your student government will be the most important thing you do in your high school […]

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