Homecoming Proposals
This Saturday, Sept. 24, 2016 is the THS homecoming dance. We had students share their homecoming proposals with the Tribune, and included in our story are four of our very own Tribune members, Austin, Dylan, and Mary Kate. Madi also got asked, but didn’t have a picture to share in the article. Austin, a junior […]
Heart of Mexico in Talawanda
On Sept. 22, 2016 at the Talawanda High School auditorium, the Mexican dance group, Corazon de Mexico (Heart of Mexico), paid the school a visit with their talent of dance and music from the many different places across Mexico. The event lasted for an hour, showing the students many different kinds of dances from the […]
Homecoming: The Memes
*Internal Screaming* Because we all know, if they’re right for your best friend, they’ll ask for your permission first. Honestly, the “after homecoming” look is me everyday. Look, we obviously don’t wanna remember. I mean honestly. Just because you can’t see them doesn’t mean they aren’t there, okay? This. Saturday. People.
Internet Safety Tips With Ben Phillips
Welcome to The Wall’s safety guide to the internet. This can apply to both kids and adults so whether you’re a 30-year-old living in your mom’s basement on 4chan or a 70-year-old grandma who doesn’t understand the internet you both have one thing in common, you’ve both never been taught internet safety. So before you […]
Ancient Memeopotamia: The History of Memes
The meme professionals here at the Tribune spent day and night thinking of the first meme ever conceived. No one person is one-hundred percent sure of the first meme but one thing we can all agree on is this, the first meme known to almost all of man… Troll Face, the face of ancient Memopotamia. […]
School Gotcha Down? Don’t Worry Memes are in Town
First day of school, we know it won’t be the best day of your life. Worst, maybe. Mom on the first day of High School. MOM. STOP. PLEASE. Trying to motivate yourself halfway through the school year. this is a total guess. For all we know, you’re failing every class, and crying on the inside. […]
The Wall: Complete and Total Unbiased Reporting
Welcome to The Wall! The most trusted news column on the Tribune for fair and balanced news–all online and all true. Here at The Wall, we take pride in hiring only the most biased reporters and editors from both sides of the political spectrum and have repeatedly won the award for most underpaid staff in […]
September 9, 2016No CommentRead More