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Hungry For A Good Film: The Hunger Games

Hungry For A Good Film: The Hunger Games

In one of the first blockbusters of the year, The Hunger Games was released at Midnight on Friday, March 23, 2012. The movie, based off of the best selling book series written by Lisa Richwine, was directed by Gary Ross (Seabiscuit). The film has been highly anticipated by readers. Jennifer Lawrence, in her first major […]

Minecraft Release Date

  If you enjoyed mining some pixels, exploring some dungeons, and fighting the creeper on the PC, then you’ll be excited to know that popular indie game Minecraft will be coming to the Xbox 360 on May 9th. Now, some of you might be asking… “Justin, how would Minecraft work on the Xbox?” Well, my friends, […]

Fourteen and a Half Questions with Ben Mattox

Fourteen and a Half Questions with Ben Mattox

Mr. Mattox has been teaching science at THS for 23 years, currently teaching both Botany and Biology. In addition to his love of poop talk and boobys (species S. dactylatra) Mattox is an excellent educator who really sets himself aside from other teachers. Recently, I had the opportunity to sit down with him and ask 14 and a […]

The Doritos Tacos Locos

The Doritos Tacos Locos

Throughout history there have been great combinations that have became much more than the sum of its parts. Teams such as R2-D2 and C3-P0, Bert and Ernie and Bugs and Daffy have all been duos that have wowed us. Now Taco Bell attempts to bring a new team in an attempt to achieve tag teamed […]