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Celebrating the Earth for Over Thirty Years

Celebrating the Earth for Over Thirty Years

Sunday, April 22nd marks Earth Day, an observation on the need to protect the Earth’s environment. Earth day is celebrated in many countries, and consists of many people uniting and taking action to take care of the environment and inform other people about what they can do to help. In spring of 1970, senator Gaylord Nelson […]

Spring Break

Spring Break

For many students, spring break is often regarded as the light at the end of the tunnel after half a semester of difficult classes and an intense workload. But students have shown that stress relief during spring break can come in many forms. While some head to the beach for a seaside vacation, many decide […]

04/16/12 – Facts on money you don’t know about! (Unless, of course, you do)

Editor’s Note: The Blip includes short headlines with odd, feel-good, informational, or pointless material. Stories are presented in a fast, easy-to-read format with news that will make you laugh and be enlightened. The Blip is updated daily. New Zealand coins intergalactic currency In August of last year, the fabulous country of New Zealand took another […]

American Reunion Review

American Reunion Review

American Reunion is the best movie I’ve seen so far this year.  No, seriously. It’s outright hilarious, as one would expect from a movie of the famed American Pie series.  But it also succeeds where the previous three (we are not counting those horrendous spin-offs) movies have failed (or succeeded to a much lesser extent) – […]

Working Against Discrimination

Working Against Discrimination

The Gay-Straight Alliance, a new group at Talawanda High School, is working toward a better understanding of diversity at school and in the Oxford community. Juniors Austin Clark and Audrey Macneil founded the club, saying that it began with very little interests for themselves. “We started for signatures last semester, and it basically went from […]

What to do on a rainy day.

What to do on a rainy day.

With April showers proving to be true this month in Oxford, here are a couple things you can do to pass the time. One: Make a fort in your living room and pretend you’re camping out. If you have siblings it could be fun to tell stories and act like you are roughing it in […]

#Hashtags on Facebook

#Hashtags on Facebook

With it sweeping the nation, learning the ins and outs of hashtagging has obviously troubled some internet junkies. According to Twitter, a hashtag is defined as, “the # symbol, used to mark keywords or topics in a Tweet.” Users are able to summarize their post by putting the pound sign followed by a word or […]

Trolling on the Internet

As you go through your day, sometimes you take the necessary time to get on the internet and maybe watch your favourite youtube video or possibly even lurk on some forums for some news, whether it be gaming or current day-to-day news. Sometimes, you come across these people who try to start arguments or are […]

Pioneer in Rock Music Dies at 88

Pioneer in Rock Music Dies at 88

On April 5th, 2012 Jim Marshall, the founder of Marshall Amplification, passed away at his home in Milton Keynes, England at age 88. Jim Marshall founded his music company in 1962 with the savings he had from years of music lessons. He initially sold mainly drum related equipment until he decided to make a cheaper version […]

How to Seem Impressive on Facebook

How to Seem Impressive on Facebook

Facebook is a modern social phenomenon that the majority of teens and young adults use and rely heavily on for communication needs.  Most Facebook users have at least 500 friends or over added to their profiles; broadcasting their lives to a large network of individuals. But how does one go about making them seem rather […]