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Opinion: Lauren South Comments on the Senior Incentive

Opinion: Lauren South Comments on the Senior Incentive

Students at THS look forward to their senior year not only because it’s their last year in high school, but because they have senior incentive, a reward given to seniors that exempts them from their exams if they meet the requirements. A majority of seniors love the possibility of  being exempt from their exams, but […]

Ryan Hickey Inspires Talawanda Sports Fans

Ryan Hickey Inspires Talawanda Sports Fans

EVERYBODY DO THAT BIG BRAVE RUMBLE, EVERYBODY DO THAT BIG BRAVE RUMBLE! EVERYBODY, LET’S RUUUUMBLE! Senior Ryan Hickey has been a member of the Talawanda Marching Band for four years.  In those four years, he has played the same instrument, the contra.  The contra is a tuba that the player puts on their shoulder and […]

Review: Megan Roark Takes a Look at Taylor Swift’s new album, “Red”

Review: Megan Roark Takes a Look at Taylor Swift’s new album, “Red”

Young, rich and famous country/pop artist Taylor Swift hit iTunes and radios everywhere with her new album Red on October 22, 2012. With her upbeat songs and catchy hooks, Swift has been stealing the attention and ears of teens and young adults all over since 2006. Red features songs like  “I Knew You Were Trouble”, […]

Vidourek Earns Scholarship through Hard Work and Dedication

Vidourek Earns Scholarship through Hard Work and Dedication

Through hard work, dedication and giving it her all every time she steps on the court, Rachel Vidourek has earned a full scholarship to Marquette University in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Vidourek started playing volleyball in grade school at Queen of Peace, in Millville. Her team was called Catholic Youth Organization (CYL). Two years after she started, […]

Lauren Flum Reviews “Paranormal Activity 4”

Lauren Flum Reviews “Paranormal Activity 4”

Paranormal Activity 4 hit theaters on October 19th, and left me, along with everyone else in the theater, flying out of our seats in fear. I went to see the movie with a few friends on opening night, and the Princess Theater in Oxford was almost as crowded as the premiere day for The Hunger […]

Andy Hofmann Reviews “Looper”

Andy Hofmann Reviews “Looper”

Looper: A science-fiction action film, written/directed by Rian Johnson, featuring time travel, a sprawling, American dystopia, and a facially-altered Joseph Gordon-Levitt to make himself look like a younger version of Bruce Willis. Looper: Joe Simmons, in the dark year of 2044, works for crime lords 30 years further into the future (2074) as a Looper: […]

THS Football has First Win of Season, Looking for Second

THS Football has First Win of Season, Looking for Second

On October 5th, the Talawanda Braves football team traveled over an hour away to Little Miami with hopes of a win. Going into the game, the team was nervous but confident. Junior and outside linebacker Dustin Hurtt said he was nervous but excited. “I had butterflies, but I was confident we would win,” said Hurtt. Assistant Coach […]

iPhone 4s vs. iPhone 5

iPhone 4s vs. iPhone 5

Some people have called the iPhone 5 the most anticipated phone yet, but how different is it really from the iPhone 4S? The iPhone 5 was released on September 18th. While many were happy with its taller, slimmer, less heavy build, many found that its programs were not much different. The 5 has a .5-inch […]

Applying to College is More than just Pen and Paper

Applying to College is More than just Pen and Paper

The time is here for seniors to begin the application process for the colleges of their choice. The first step in the application process is deciding which colleges to apply to.  It is recommended that students apply to multiple universities in case one doesn’t accept them.  Backup plans are essential to the application process. Matt […]

Students Head to the Talawanda Wetlands

Students Head to the Talawanda Wetlands

Students in environmental science have been heading out to the wetlands on Talawanda High School’s campus. Mr. Pasquale’s class is currently studying if there is any runoff pesticides ffrom local farms to see how it affects the wildlife. “If you look at southwest Ohio, there is a lot of farming,” said Pasquale.  “Whether or not it […]