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Bracelets That Are Making a Change

Bracelets That Are Making a Change

A small bracelet is making the biggest difference. Some of the world’s dirtiest beaches are in Central America and the simplest idea is making a big change. In 2010, two college students from San Diego, California embarked on a journey to Costa Rica and were met by artisans who were living a life of poverty. […]

Sophomore Quarterback Brings Hope to Hometown Team

Sophomore Quarterback Brings Hope to Hometown Team

OXFORD, OHIO– “We’re very hungry to win and actually succeed in things after a season where we went 1-9,” Kasey T., sophomore wide receiver, said. He speaks for his team to explain how Talawanda High School football is ready to take on the 2018 season. Starting junior quarterback Adam C. was injured earlier in the […]

Homecoming Week is Here!

Homecoming Week is Here!

OXFORD, OH — It’s here! Homecoming week is here! With Spirit Week, the Homecoming Parade, and the Homecoming Football Game coming up this week, Talawanda is gearing up for an awesome celebration. We start out with spirit week – Monday is Pajama Day, Tuesday is Character day, Wednesday is Twin Day, Thursday is Jersey Day, […]

SoapBox Derby Team Having Fun with Annual Project

SoapBox Derby Team Having Fun with Annual Project

OXFORD – Talawanda’s 3D Art Class is bringing their annual class project to Mt. Adams this Saturday for a soapbox derby car competition. You may of seen their seven foot long moving pencil outside the front of THS last week. Jim McWilliams, the 3D Art teacher and director of the project, said the car was […]

No Hoco Bro

No Hoco Bro

With Homecoming coming up, we can count on seeing “Hoco Proposals” all over our socials. However there is another side to these proposals: the response. Those that are stuck in an uncomfortable situation can feel overwhelmed and not know how to respond. In general, make sure that the person you are asking feels comfortable with […]

THS Graduates and Seniors Give Freshmen Advice

THS Graduates and Seniors Give Freshmen Advice

A Familiar Face in a New Position

A Familiar Face in a New Position

OXFORD, OH — As a Talawanda student walking down the 400 wing you might pass a familiar face. This is the new face of the history department, who is a familiar face to Talawanda. Kyle Mcghehey has gone from being a well-known student here at Talawanda to a student teacher working with Ted Caudill to […]

The Lemon Endorses Candidates for Student Government

The Lemon Endorses Candidates for Student Government

Talawanda Tribune Presents:  The Lemon:  sour satire and fun farce The following is a satire.  If you don’t know what satire is — ask your English teacher.  If they don’t know what satire is — we’re in trouble. Voting for your student government will be the most important thing you do in your high school […]

Chromebooks: The Advancing Technology at Talawanda

Chromebooks: The Advancing Technology at Talawanda

OXFORD, OH– When this school year started, students were pleasantly surprised when we got our chromebooks. Unlike the older chromebooks, the ones we were given this year are not only newer, but have new features such as a touchscreen and a stylus that the old ones didn’t. We were surprised, and intrigued about how, why, […]

Parking Lot Problems

Parking Lot Problems

TALAWANDA HIGH SCHOOL — An overwhelming number of parents and students have admitted to feeling unsafe while navigating the high school parking lot, but what is being done to fix this problem? “I feel very unsafe in the Talawanda parking lot!” Zoe Moore, a junior, said. “Sophomore year there were a bunch of dents in […]