The Wall:

Spirit Week Politics

This week we have some exciting news coming from the Talawanda School District itself. With the Trump banners waving all around the political spirit is in the air. We’ve seen it all from hats, shirts, and even the chants to signs stretching out across the high school’s entrance. Being the lead writer and only editor of The Wall I took a trip to one of the history teacher Mr. Kelly’s classroom to let the spirit of support for Trump in the air. I walked into Mr. Kelly’s room to make my stance “Build a wall, protect us all!” I chanted while others looked at me with a blank stare. Eventually one young man began chanting with me as someone else in the room had an alternate statement “Are you serious right now,” Said someone behind me as I chanted with now three others in the room. Then suddenly Mr. Kelly walked into the room and decided that maybe my cause wasn’t proper as he stated his opinion, “Ben what are you doing in my room, get out.” He said as I went back to class.

Where’s the Articles Ben?

For those of you confused as to why I didn’t post an article last week I originally had an idea for an article but a lot of stuff has happened in the past few days that has caused me to choose otherwise and start again from scratch. First of all, for those of you who don’t live under a rock, the political debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump is tonight and here at the Wall we take great pride in making sure that we have the facts, so that we can fabricate them later. Being the only lead editor of the wall I have to make sure that I put up an article once a week and I failed to do that. To make sure all readers are compensated it was recommended to me by the great leader of my office space that I put up two articles this week. I’ve considered doing some interviews and those will be up within the next couple weeks along with another interesting article you can read that will be up in a few days here on the Tribune. So with that out of the way let’s get into this weeks or I should say past  and present week’s news.

YouTube Heroes, The Beginning of a New era for YouTube?

So for those of you who don’t know it yet, YouTube has recently announced a very exciting new feature to YouTube. YouTube Heroes is a new program that allows random YouTube accounts to watch over your posted comments, videos, and even account and mass flag your videos for not following community guidelines. The system is currently set up in five different steps so that you can start off as an unpaid moderator and then become a more powerful unpaid moderator at level five. It’s great because now you can become a YouTube moderator without having to be paid and receiving points for mass flagging other people’s comments and videos. Of course you can do the boring stuff like adding captions and subtitles to other peoples videos but who has time for that. Of course you have to be 18 to be a YouTube Hero but with parents permission kids as young as 13 can become heroes and join in on the fun too. This is especially great because now we can find any YouTuber we don’t like and mass flag the videos in hopes that they get deleted off YouTube. And best of all this is an unpaid position as already mentioned, meaning that if you spend hours doing all the boring stuff like adding subtitles to other peoples videos, then you get absolutely nothing but a few virtual points and a chance at being able to actually talk to a human being at Google or member of YouTube staff.

All in all I think that YouTube heroes will be a great step forward for YouTube and is especially a great social step forward on how to properly moderate a website. Unlike Twitter and Facebook which have these nasty things called personal freedoms where cyber bullies can run free by criticizing people and saying they disagree. For those of you that haven’t gotten the memo yet so many YouTubers have been criticizing this new policy including everyone’s favorite YouTuber Leafyishere as well as other YouTubers including Boogie2988, AngryJoeShow, and even the YouTube overlord PewDiePie. I’m here to set the record straight and say that despite the video already have over 800,000 dislikes and only 24,000 likes, this is a great concept on YouTube’s part and an ingenious revolution for the internet’s largest video sharing site.

The Wall’s Thoughts on the Political Debate

Here at the wall we only report on the facts with a lot of scattered opinion thrown in. So we would like to share some facts on the reports that have come out since the first political debate this week between the middle class candidate, I mean eerr, former first lady Hillary Clinton and the businessman that started off with a very small loan and personal wealth of only 13 million dollars Donald Trump. The debate kicked off with Hillary and Donald trying to have a constructive debate on the matter of our economy and before you know it, they provide entertainment to all the spectators and viewers at home by giving them a comedy of a political debate. The commentator kept them on a very long leash and allowed them to debate such interesting topics as personal wealth, personal upbringing, and even talking about personal finance. I think overall it was such a great debate and it really showed how smart we all as citizens to elect these great beings.

For those of you excited about the next political debate the wall will not be posting it’s own stream or videos but will instead be watching the political debates on three tabs over one computer of course to save money. Because if these leaders are both jokers then what’s the point in spending any money on some political debates that won’t even matter in a few months and for a president that will likely only last one term if they even survive that one term.