Five Unconventional Love Songs

Regina Spektor- Dance Anthem of the 80’s

Nostalgia provides a distinct prospect into euphoric memories, but also a way for introspection. Both a tribute and a deconstruction, Regina Spektor offers her usual eccentric and bubbly lyricism, but in a style not of her own.

Unknown Mortal Orchestra- Multi-Love

Love as we all know, is a very confusing sensation. Often times it’s poses a challenge to pin down one’s emotion towards one person or another, not knowing whether that love should be maintained. In the haze of it’s psych-rock melodies and twangy vocals, UMO tells that story of the feeling.

James Blake- Measurements

James Blake himself speaks of better professing his capabilities as a writer as he evolves his work. Demonstrated here in Measurements is one the most pure and striped back examples of his work. The series of looped piano chords backing the tempered quaking of his sensitivities, this in turn better amplifying his examination of his soothing words.

of Montreal- Suffer for Fashion

Galavanting decadence has always been the name of the game for of Montreal. Strident in there own knack for fluorescence and the peculiar, paints colorful tales of the universe the music resides. Here is a plea for the eternal companionship of their own absurd art and dignified passions.

Car Seat Headrest- Famous Prophets (Minds)

The way most people inherently think about love is in a romantic sense. Not often spoken about through most platforms is a platonic relationship, but still is just as personal and meaningful. Frontman Will Toledo is acclaimed for his honest wit and tentative perspectives. But here in one of his earliest works, at a younger age, shows him at his most unabashed and vulnerable.

unnamed-1Car Seat Headrest Singer Will Toledo