“The Wizard of Oz” Comes to Talawanda

Photos by Lauren Flum


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The Talawanda Drama class will be putting on The Wizard of Oz as their Spring musical. The show will be co-directed by Ryan Steffen and TJ Pearson. It is set to run on April 25 through the 27.

While it has the same title and same basic plot line, this show isn’t going to be the movie. “It’s not going to be a rendition of the movie. And while there are certain elements that will be similar to the movie, it’ll be a show that was designed and executed by students and will put their creative interpretation to the front.” Steffen said.

Steffen said that, while there are things that simply can’t be changed about this show, he hopes his designers don’t fall back to the movie in all of their choices. He wants them to make it their own. “I hope they can think of interesting, creative and innovative ways to address problems that have been on stage for fifty years.”

Jacob Jones, a junior in the Drama Class, is looking forward to the show. “I am interested to see how some of the things we thought of turn out once they are put on the big stage”, he said.

Tyler Beckelhymer, a junior outside of the drama class hoping to get a ticket, is very excited for the show, and he says there are components that simply must be included. “The things I think that need to be in this show are the house, the monkeys, and the red shoes” he said.

Pearson’s favorite part of The Wizard of Oz is the music that comes with it. “I am going to enjoy conducting the orchestra,” he said. “The score is very intense, and we are hopefully getting commitments from several very good musicians to be part of the ensemble”.

The music will be played by an orchestra composed of mainly if not purely Talawanda High School staff and students.

Tickets are seven dollars and can be purchased from members of the drama cast, crew, and directors.