The Don of a New Era
The beginning of Coach Gloeckner’s inaugural season as Talwanda’s new head varsity coach has come and gone. With the season behind us, Gloeckner shares what being a Braves varsity coach really means.
As a first year coach for the varsity team, Gloeckner describes himself as “energetic, enthusiastic and I just like to bring a lot of energy… Positive, but competitive at the same time.” He said he hopes this style will rub off on his players and they will be able to relax, have fun, but stay focused and in the game.
Gloeckner came to the Oxford area as a student at Miami University where he found his first coaching job for the Talawanda Middle School basketball team, as well as the Freshman baseball coach, all while maintaining a student teaching position. “I guess I did well enough that they offered me a job,” Gloeckner said. “And I’ve coached for 25 straight years since.”
When tee ball started for Gloeckner’s son, he decided to coach him until he was a senior in high school, but only in the Summer league teams. “Realizing I wouldn’t have him to coach anymore in the summer, I decided to become an assistant for the high school team.”
This year is the first year Talawanda will be able to use the baseball fields at the new high school. Last year, the lack of dugouts prevented the use of the fields, as it violated league rules. However, it’s not perfect. There are bumps in the grass, and the ground hasn’t quite fully settled. But, Gloeckner seems to see the best in it. “It’s going be top notch. The dugouts and press box are really phenomenal.”
Going into the season “we kind of did a little half practice over there but we haven’t even been able to use it much yet. It’s just gonna take time for the grass to grow, so the first year might be a little rough, but its gonna be an incredible facility in the future.” Among the incoming amenities are a double batting cage and windscreen across the fence, both of which were not included at the old field.
The field conditions are not the only concerns for a coach at any level. Great amounts of time must be spent with the team you are responsible for, and occasionally sacrifices will be made. “I try to make a priority that it doesn’t cut into my teaching time, that is a goal of mine. But my family time sacrifices the most, with baseball and time in the classroom, my family and personal time loses a bit.”
But Gloeckner is sure that it is worth it. “It’s a sacrifice you make because you love what you do. You are hoping you are making a positive impact on the players and coaches.”
A new field, a new team, a new season, and now a new coach adds to that list. Only time will tell if all this “new” will bring the Braves victory, but one thing is certain, another era of baseball has begun at Talawanda.