Images from the THS Art Sculpture Collaboration

Added by Photos and Captions by Grace Huddleston on February 14, 2013. · No Comments · Share this Post

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You okay there? Mr.McWilliams makes a face in the lens of an old projector. These old lenses will play an interesting role in the sculpture. The sculpture is scheduled to go up the 28th of this month.

Most materials, salvaged from the old high school, come together to form the sculpture’s theme of growth, change and transition. Bike rims, aircraft cable, and even old transparencies. The sculpture is starting to take shape.

Creativity comes out as the students (and Mr. Oswald) experiment with different materials to make some of the main elements coming off of the upper portion of the sculpture.

Not everything is as it seems. Pictured here is one of the elements of the lower half, its rubber, reused and repurposed tractor tires! The students plan to use the tires as part of the color scheme while showing “change.”

Standing on the tables? The main structures have been completed and now the elements are being added. Shown here is the lower half, referred to as “the basket.”

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Standing on the tables?  The main structures have been completed and now the elements are being added.  Shown here is the lower half, referred to as “the basket.”

Standing on the tables? The main structures have been completed and now the elements are being added. Shown here is the lower half, referred to as “the basket.”

Not everything is as it seems.  Pictured here is one of the elements of the lower half, its rubber, reused and repurposed tractor tires! The students plan to use the tires as part of the color scheme while showing “change.”

Not everything is as it seems. Pictured here is one of the elements of the lower half, its rubber, reused and repurposed tractor tires! The students plan to use the tires as part of the color scheme while showing “change.”

Creativity comes out as the students (and Mr. Oswald) experiment with different materials to make some of the main elements coming off of the upper portion of the sculpture.

Creativity comes out as the students (and Mr. Oswald) experiment with different materials to make some of the main elements coming off of the upper portion of the sculpture.

Most materials, salvaged from the old high school, come together to form the sculpture’s theme of growth, change and transition.  Bike rims, aircraft cable, and even old transparencies.  The sculpture is starting to take shape.

Most materials, salvaged from the old high school, come together to form the sculpture’s theme of growth, change and transition. Bike rims, aircraft cable, and even old transparencies. The sculpture is starting to take shape.

You okay there? Mr.McWilliams makes a face in the lens of an old projector.  These old lenses  will play an interesting role in the sculpture.  The sculpture is scheduled to go up the 28th of this month.

You okay there? Mr.McWilliams makes a face in the lens of an old projector. These old lenses
will play an interesting role in the sculpture. The sculpture is scheduled to go up the 28th of this month.