Tips To Relieving Stress

The end of the year is right around the corner and with that could come a lot of stress.  Underclassmen are probably stressed out about exams, while seniors might be stressed out about starting college.  Here are a few tips to help lower your stress levels.

If you’re a girl, you could try painting your nails.  When you paint your nails you are so focused on one thing that you forget about the things that are stressing you out.  Painting your nails is one way to distract your brain from thinking about things that could stress you out.

The easiest way to relieve stress is by taking deep breaths.  If you focus on your breathing you are more likely to forget about your stress.  You just have to take a very deep breath in, hold if for ten seconds, and then release your breath.  That should help lower your stress rates.

You could also try exercising or going for a run.  If you take a twenty minute break to

go exercise then your brain will be focusing on your exercise which would allow it to have a break for the things stressing you out.  So when you go back to working your brain will be refreshed which will lower your stress levels.

Music is another thing that can relieve stress.  If you listen to clam, relaxing music then your brain will be focused on that and forget about your stress.  Just try to listen to music for twenty or so minutes to give your brain a relaxing break.

Try doing something that you love.  It could be anything from playing a sport to watching TV and everything in between.  If you’re not focused on the thing stressing you out then your stress will go away for a while.  If you’re doing something you love, then your stress levels will go down.

The key to relieving stress is giving your brain a break.  You’re more likely to be stressed out when your brain hasn’t had a break.  So next time you feel stressed out try doing something that doesn’t require that much thinking.  Try giving your brain a break for once so your stress levels can go down.