How to Get Ready for Exam Week

For those who seem to be fretting about that end of the year big test, here are some tips to help you prepare for exams.

First: Prepare for your test. Don’t try to cram all your studying and reviews into one night. Space what you need to do over the amount of a week, and maybe even study the important basics the day before.

Second: Stay calm at all times. Anxiety is a sure way to put you off the right pass to making exams an easy thing to do. If you find yourself freaking out about exams, take a breather, and spend some time doing things you like to do. Just because exams are important doesn’t mean you need to shove everything you like aside.

Third: Get a couple of friends together to help study. If you have some questions that you don’t understand, you can ask a friend. And if you want a little de-stressing and fun, you and your friends can maybe even play a review game.

Fourth: Get a really good night of sleep. Your brain and your body won’t be at it’s best if it doesn’t get the needed time for sleep. A good amount of sleep is around 8 hours. With sleep, you can make sure you’re at your top notch for exams.

Fifth, and finally: Take your time with the test. The more you rush, the more you’re likely to mess up. Breathe, and make sure you answer all your questions. If you don’t know an answer, don’t stress. Just skip over it, and go back to it later. And always, always go over your answers after you have finished the test.

With these tips, and maybe some of your own, there’ll be no doubt that you can pass those exams!