14 and a half Q’s with Melissa Metzger.

I recently sat down and conducted an interview with mathematics teacher, Miss Metzger.

Joseph: Where were you born?

Metzger: Shelby, Ohio.

Joseph: How long have you taught?

Metzger: This year is number 14.

Joseph: Other than math, what are your favorite subjects?

Metzger: English, because I like to read.

Joseph: What do you do in your free time?

Metzger: Read, crossword puzzles, and I like to watch NFL games during football season.

Joseph: Why is math so important?

Metzger: Numbers are all around us, mathematics is the system to understanding those numbers around us.

Joseph: What’s your favorite animal?

Metzger: Dogs.

Joseph: What’s your favorite food?

Metzger: Anything Italian.

Joseph:If you could be anything besides a teacher, what would you be?

Metzger: I’ve never really thought about being anything other than a teacher.

Joseph: What’s your favorite music?

Metzger: Top 40 music, whatever’s popular at the time.

Joseph: What’s your favorite book genre?

Metzger: Right now I’m readingĀ historical narratives.

Joseph: What’s your favorite sports team?

Metzger: I don’t have one anymore, I’m an NFL fan, I wouldn’t call myself a Bengals fan.

Joseph: Algebra or Geometry?

Metzger: Algebra, with a shout out to calculus.

Joseph: What was your childhood like?

Metzger: It was fun, pretty normal.

Joseph: Multiplication or Division?

Metzger: Multiplication.

Joseph: Math is…

Metzger: Elegant.