Tribune Tries It: Fixing an Mp3 Player

It happens to all of us, the dreaded moment we all never want to see: your mom puts your iPod or Mp3 player through the washing machine.

It happened to me and I was determined to save it no matter the cost.

I grabbed it out of the wash and it was still damp. After I had gathered control of my panic attack, I grabbed the nearest towel and dried it off. Still nothing. I could tell I was losing her.

The hair dryer was the next logical place to go. I set it on low to ensure not to damage ant of the internal parts with the heat. The screen flickers and my heart jumps to my throat… but no it was just a reflection of light.

At one point I even tried CPR on the poor thing, but I gave up after hearing a crack. It appeared that there was no saving it, I had no solution. It was over.

So I threw it up against the wall as hard as possible and began saving money for a new one.