Cinnamon Challenge Dangers

If you ever visit Youtube, you may know about a trending challenge- The Cinnamon Challenge.

This challenge is done by swallowing a tablespoonful of cinnamon without water. It usually ends with people blowing out clouds of brown dust and gasping for breath. Possibly even throwing up.

Though many people find it humorous, there are many dangers to the Cinnamon Challenge. Between January and March, the poison control center received 139 calls for cinnamon misuse, and 122 of those calls were because of the Cinnamon Challenge. 30 of those people needed medical attention.

The cinnamon quickly dries out the mouth and makes it difficult to swallow. This results in choking and vomiting and possibly even pneumonia from inhaling the cinnamon into your lungs.Cinnamon contains cinnamal dehyde, which is used as a pesticide, and cinnamal, which is highly allergic. Between these two ingredients, it causes swelling and burning of the throat and mouth, also bronchial constriction.

Internet videos are encouraging teens to do this challenge and many other risky ones, and it is usually done for the fun of it. The website for the cinnamon challenge clearly states not to attempt this without talking to a doctor.

Though the Cinnamon Challenge may sound entertaining to try, it may have more risks than you have intended. Teenagers should think twice about swallowing a tablespoon of cinnamon.